
Leasing & Asset Financing

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Leasing & Asset Financing

To effectively manage working capital, leasing solutions are becoming the ideal financing solutions for manufacturers, contractors, mining companies, farmers and firms in transport and logistics. This is because leasing eases working capital requirements which can be challenging to obtain

More importantly, if well-structured leased and asset financed equipments are able to generate sufficient cash flows to pay the instalments as they become due, making this an idea method of financing working capital

The other viable alternative is asset financing using the acquired asset as collateral. This arrangement may be ideal in situations where the business has no other quality assets to offer as security or as a viable alternative if the business is not qualified for traditional financing products

This is because the loan amount would be based on the value of the financed asset. In most cases the asset itself will generate cashflow towards repayment of the loan installments

We leverage on our mutual working arrangements with leasing firms to provide customized financial solutions to meet your asset financing needs. Off balance sheet leases can allow further financing potential without breaching borrowing covenants

Over the years, we have built a solid reputation with financial institutions and leasing firms and we have built capability to structure innovative working capital solutions for our clients

Our services includes

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